Friday, June 15, 2012

Enjoying learning literature?

Wow!  I am enjoying (!) studying literature as I work on "World Literature I" (World Literature with a focus on Character Development) for my kids and whoever wants to use it.


1. Using the Book of Virtues as a textbook has helped me to see more of a purpose in studying literature.  Some of the literature that was in our previous text while not bad (as in wicked) was not necessarily something that would help my kids either.  NOW I am confident I am putting literature in front of my child that I know will help them to develop good character if they choose to implement what they read.  (And I am using some of the questions to require them to think about developing the ten virtues studied in the text.)

2. I am refreshing my ability to analyze literature.  (Not that I was ever a master!)  Last night and this morning I went through the Book of Virtues identifying literary devices that were used in stories and poems.  As I progressed through the book it became more clear and simple to pick them out.  What was the result?  I have a list of literary devices used in the first eight virtues. I will use these specifics to help me teach the literary terms and write questions for each unit.  And....I decided to let the kids search for them independently in the last two virtues' stories and poems. 

Here is a sample of what I have planned for the first unit.  Please remember that I have not completed this course yet.  I would love to have you leave a comment sharing ideas of what you would include in this course. 

Self-Discipline (3 weeks) - 
All stories from this Unit must be read by test day
Day One:
Read pgs 21 – 25

Begin memorizing Proverbs 25:28 and Proverbs 16:32. (One or both of these will need to be written on your test.)

Memorize this definition of self-discipline for your test.
Self-Discipline is instant obedience to the initial promptings of the Holy Spirit in my life.

Study these terms and become familiar with their meaning and use.
            Alliteration, allusion, irony, and metaphor
            Rhyme Patterns - we will talk about this

Choose an author on which to write a biographical sketch.
1 typed page.  Use 3 or more sources. 
Continue working on this so that it is completed by Test Day.

Day Two:
Read pgs 26 – 35
Complete Poetry Worksheet #1

Day Three:
Read “The Duel” and “Let Dogs Delight”
Complete Poetry Worksheet #2
Read pgs 40-48.

Day Four:
Read "the King and His Hawk"
Complete Short Story Worksheet #1
Read pgs 48-52

Day Five:
Read pgs 53-63
Note irony in “the Magic Thread”

Day Six:
Read pgs 64-74
Continue working on your biographical sketch.

Day Seven:
Read pgs 74-81
Complete short story worksheet #2

Day Eight:
Read pgs 81-94
Observe Tolstoy’s use of metaphor.

Day Nine:
Read pgs 95-104
Identify use of irony in today's reading.

Day Ten:
Write Comparison Paper (see Handout).

Day Eleven:
Verify completion of all assignments:
o      Complete Reading of Unit
o      Poetry Worksheet #1
o      Poetry Worksheet #2
o      Short Story Worksheet #1
o      Short Story Worksheet #2
o      Comparison Paper
o      Biographical Sketch

Day Twelve:
Test Day –
  • Memory verses
  • Virtue definition
  • Literary terms and their use in this unit
  • Basic knowledge of literature in this unit
  • Understanding of rhyme patterns


Self Discipline
Poetry Worksheet #1

Read “Rebecca” and “Jim”.

Answer these questions –

1. What Biblical character is alluded to in “Rebecca”?
2. After reading these poems what kind of a person do you picture Mr. Belloc to be?
3. What kind of a family do you think he was raised in?
4. What do you feel about his view of children and self discipline?

Read a biographical sketch of Mr. Belloc.  Was there any information about his life that surprised you?

5. In the poem on pg. 27, cite an example of alliteration.

Self Discipline
Poetry Worksheet #2

Read “The Duel”.

1. Identify the rhyme pattern of this poem.  (aabb or ababcc or…..)
2. What were the dog and the cat?
3. Who do you think told this story?
4. What is supposed to have happened?

Self Discipline
Short Story Worksheet #1

Read “The King and His Hawk’.

Answer the following questions.
1. You can see the hawk was loyal, how did the hawk demonstrate self discipline?
2. Ghengis Khan showed a lack of self discipline, but in what way did he show himself to be a wise man?
3. Quote 3 different descriptive words or phrases from this story that show you something about Ghengis Khan and his character in this story.
4.  Can you think of something that you did in anger that showed a lack of self discipline?  Did you learn from that experience?  Did you react differently the next time or do you still need to change?

Self Discipline
Short Story Worksheet #2

Read George Washington’s Rules of Civility.

Label two lists with the heading of “Current” or “Obsolete”.  Reword 10 of these rules in modern day English and write each under the heading that you best think describes the rule.

Self Discipline
Comparison Paper

Compare Plato’s view of self discipline to Aristotle’s view of self discipline. 

1. How are their views similar?
2. How are their views different?
3. With which view do you identify more easily?
4. Is there anything from either view that bothers you?  Why? Or why not?

World Literature Test #1
Virtue: Self Discipline

Bible Memory / Virtue Definition (20 points)

Write (verse I choose) from memory.


Define self discipline - ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Literary Terms (20 points)

Define these terms –

1. Irony -

2. Metaphor -

3. Alliteration-

4. Allusion-

5. Write a name for our family using alliteration.

Short Story Questions (20 points)

1. What is the moral of the story “the Fox and the Crow”?

2. In which story (ies) do you find the use of irony?  (Extra points if you can cite more than one example.)

3. What literary device is used in the Magic Thread?

4. Describe the character of the Fisherman’s wife on pgs 53-57.

5. What is the moral of the story “The Frogs and the Well”?

Poetry (20 points)

1.  Identify the rhyme pattern in the poem “Dirty Jim” on pgs. 40 & 41.

2.  You studied the term allusion.  What poem used this device?  To what did the author allude?

3. What literary term is used in the title of this poem…. Godfrey Gordon Gustavus Gore?

4.  Although having self discipline is hard at first, the benefits are enjoyed by those around us.  In “Little Fred” what use of self discipline made him a pleasure to be around?

5.  What is the rhyme pattern in Ozymandias?

Essay (20 points)

In the poem “Jim” by Hilaire Belloc, what happened to Jim when he went to the zoo?  For what age do you think this poem is appropriate?  Support your answer with a logical argument.

In the private journal pages in the back of your notebook, write a few sentences evaluating your life in the area of self discipline.  Set a goal for yourself in this area.

For Honors Credit -

Write an essay thinking of what you have learned from this unit on self discipline.  Offer suggestions of how to help children grow in self discipline and more specifically how I as a parent can grow and demonstrate self discipline.  Give at least 7 examples.

There will be ten tests - one over each of the virtues in the text.  I am not sure if I will have a cumulative exam over the entire course.  As a homeschool parent, what is your opinion of cumulative final exams?

I look forward to your input. 


  1. Wow, looks like you've put a lot of work into this, thus far! If you ever make this officially available for others, it may be helpful to have live links to resources, and perhaps a "how to use this curriculum" blurb. This is great! :)

