Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Be brave...step out there!

I just want to encourage you talented moms to not be held back by your lack of confidence.  This past semester SEAL was going to start studying Russian using Rosetta Stone.  Since we did not have the money to get the course, I had SEAL start "Introduction to Russian History and Culture".  This course has been totally made up as we went along.  We have used most books that our local library has on the topic of Russia. 

I have been so thrilled throughout the last few months to hear SEAL talk about why people believe in communism/socialism AND why it doesn't work. He has learned so many things concerning communism and socialism that I couldn't even have put into words.  It is amazing to see that he is reading the factual record of Russia's history and being able to think through what has happened.  He has even commented that he understands more fully why we need to study history.  It is one thing to tell your child that you need to study history so that you don't repeat the mistakes of those who have gone before you - It is a totally different accomplishment to have a 16 year old tell you that he gets it!

On Saturday after SEAL took his ACT test, he asked if we could go to a local art gallery to see their exhibit of Russian art.  We had a really enjoyable time in the children's area exploring so many interesting different activities while SEAL took his time going through the adult exhibits on the first level of the museum.  (The art gallery guard even commented to me how SEAL seemed to really be interested in what he was seeing.)

We are going to wrap this course up with a paper (or series of short papers) on different aspects of Russia and its history.  It has been a special blessing for this mom to see her son progress in learning on his own and truly succeed at it!  Give it a try!  Step out there and help your child explore some of his/her interests.  You will be pleasantly surprised on where the journey takes you.

Have you "created" any classes on your own?  Share please....  It's great motivation!